Walk’s Mobile and Electronic Courier Services

Sign up & start shipping.

It is easy to get started, simply register to get a Air Freight address to ship products to.

Credit Card Service

Lacking a credit card? No problem! Obtain the use of our credit card for online purchases when you ship your items with us. This convenient service allows all our customers to make transactions using our credit card.

Rates as Low as $500

With shipping rates starting as low as $500, enjoy cost-effective and swift shipping through our airline deliveries, scheduled twice a week. Just register to obtain an Air Freight address for shipping your packages.

What You Get With Us

Email Notifications

Receive timely notifications about your packages and updates on our business operations through email.

Online Dashboard

Register and get access to your personalized shipping profile. Access all your package data in one place.


Accelerate the processing of your packages by uploading invoices for upcoming shipments.

Pay Online

Conveniently pay for all your packages online.


You may arrange for the delivery of your packages.

Mobile App

Access and manage your profile from our mobile App.

Ship Barrels & Large Boxes

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